1. Exercise 8D p. 199 – Sharpening Sentences and Pruning Deadwood
Revise the sentences on p. 199, combining sentences where necessary and using active verbs.
2. Discussion Board - Exercise 7 G Andrew Marvell “To His Coy Mistress” p. 172-3
Read Andrew Marvell's “To His Coy Mistress” p.172 - 3
Reduce the poem to a hypothetical argument containing two premises and a conclusion, and determine its validity.
Write your own response, modeling your style after Marvell, and share in the Discussion Board.
No responses necessary to your classmates for this particular forum
4. Analyzing an Extended Essay
Analyzing an Extended Argument Writing Assignment on p 143.
For this writing exercise, you will read the "On Date Rape" by Camille Paglia on p. 144-145 (ignore the directions in the book that say "or choose one from your own reading". Do not do that - just analyze the article in the book). (Links to an external site.)
(Links to an external site.)You are not writing an essay; your task is just to identify, name, and explain the logical fallacies and weaknesses in reasoning in the article.
Analyze the reading paragraph-by-paragraph, and follow the directions on p. 143.
Make sure to cite the source in-text - all quoting/paraphrasing - and on a correct Works Cited List.
5. Critical Thinking Final