Case Study, Stage 3: IT Considerations for Proposed Technology Solution
Before you begin this assignment, be sure you have read the “UMUC Haircuts Case Study,” the Stage 1 and Stage 2 projects, the “Walmart Example” and the feedback from previous assignments.
Purpose of this Assignment
This assignment gives you the opportunity to apply your knowledge of the areas to be considered in planning and implementing a technology solution. This assignment specifically addresses the following course outcomes to enable you to:
analyze internal and external business processes to identify information systems requirements
identify and plan IT solutions that meet business objectives.
IT Considerations for Proposed Technology Solution
For your Stage 2 Project, you proposed a technology solution to improve a business process at the UMUC Haircuts business. In evaluating and implementing an IT proposal, there are several areas that need to be considered. These considerations are listed in the table provided below in this assignment. Depending on the specific technology solution you proposed, some of the considerations would be more important than others and some may not need specific consideration for the initial implementation of your proposed solution. (If a consideration is not relevant for the solution as described or for its implementation, but might be something for the future, mark it “N/A”. If for instance cloud computing is not in the solution being implemented, but may be considered in the future it would be N/A and not required for the solution. Please note that even N/A items require an explanation.) The responses that you enter into the table for each consideration must be aligned to the one specific solution you proposed and appropriate to the UMUC Haircuts business.
Using the technology solution you proposed in Stage 2, you should briefly explain it and then copy the table below and complete the remaining two columns. For each area of consideration, you should rank it as high, medium, low, or N/A (Not Applicable) in importance or relevance at time of implementation (and not some time in the future) for the specific technology solution you proposed for UMUC Haircuts. Then, provide a brief explanation, a minimum of two sentences for each, to justify that ranking or the N/A. Do not try to create a reason if there is none, but carefully analyze each consideration and determine whether it applies and how. Explanations must provide enough information to convey the reasoning behind the ranking. DO NOTcopy definitions into the table; your own words should demonstrate your understanding of the concept as you provide your explanation for the ranking. Use the Grading Rubric to be sure you have covered everything. Submit your paper with answers to parts 1 and 2 below as a Microsoft Word document (or in a Word compatible document) with your last name included in the filename.
Part 1:Briefly explain your proposed technology solution. Identify what the solution is, what it is expected to do for UMUC Haircuts, and what major hardware, software and communications components will be used, summarizing the information you provided for Stage 2. Also, please include the information that you provided at the end of Stage 1 (with any modifications recommended by the professor) at the top of your paper:
Generic Strategy:
Strategic Business Area:
Process to be improved:
Part 2: Table of IT Considerations. The Areas for consideration are defined in the section “Concepts” which follows the table of considerations below. An example for one entry is also provided. Click on the upper left corner of the table to copy it into your paper.