SUA 1 - Transaction Table -Transaction List A_Alt 1(84 points) IMPORTANT: Do not use the Transaction List A and Price List in your hard copy SUA packet. Use the “Transaction List A and Price List_Alt 1” posted on Canvas. The table below lists what you need to do for each transaction. Please assume the employee role of Waren Sports and fill in each missing cell with appropriate actions. If no action is needed for that transaction, type in “NA” in the corresponding cell. For each transaction, I have completed some tasks. You only need to fill in the blank cells. Note that for Transaction #1, 8, and 20, I have filled in all cells. However you still need to record these transactions in your workbook if applicable. Instructions: 1. Source Documents – Fill in documents you need to prepare for this transaction. Clearly write out Document #, and name, and the specific number of that particular document because some documents have multiple copies. 2. Journals - Fill in the name of special journals you use to record this transaction. - Specify what accounts to debit and credit and the dollar amount. - When the transaction needs to be recorded under “Other G/L”, write out the account number based on Chart of Accounts. You do not need to put the customer account number or vendor account number in the table. But you need to specify the customers or vendors’ names. - Record the transaction in corresponding journals in the workbook. 3. Ledgers - Fill in the name of the subsidiary ledger to record the transaction. - Also specify the names of customer or vendor - Show debits or credits and the dollar amount - Record the transaction in the subsidiary ledgers in the workbook 4. JE - Write out the complete journal entries for this transaction. - Nothing to do in workbook regarding this column Tran# Source Documents 1 -Doc #5: Bill of lading 6890BR -#6: Sale invoice # 731 2 #9 cash receipts prelist 3 4 #16 purchase order No.328 #16 Purchase order No.327 #17 Receiving report No. 73 #18 Invoice No.2378 5 #9 cash receipts prelist 6 7 #12 return request (sign) #20 Check No. 1152 8 NA Journals (Fill in here and workbook) Sales Journal: 12/16 Rosemount U: Dr. AR G/L $16,170 Cr: sales $16,170 Ledgers (Fill in here and in the workbook) AR subsidiary ledge: (Rosemont) Dr. $16,170 JE Cash Receipt Journal: 12/16 Branch College: Dr. Cash G/L $1622.88 Sales discount G/L $33.12 Cr. A/R G/L $1656.00 N/A Purchase journal: 12/19 Chicago office supplies Dr. Purchase G/L $830.25 Cr. A/P G/L $830.25 Cash receipts journal: 12/19 First American bank Dr. Cash $90,000 Cr. Other G/L $90,000 N/A Cash disbursement journal: 12/19 First American journal Dr. Other operating expense 1710. Cr. Cash 1710 NA AR subsidiary ledger (Branch College) Cr. $1622.88 DR. cash $1622.88 Sales discount $33.12 Cr. A/R $1656.00 N/A Ap subsidiary (Chicago office): cr 830.25 N/A Dr. Purchase $830.25 Cr. A/P NA Dr. Cash $90,000 Cr. Notes Payable $90,000 NA NA N/A Dr. Other operating spends 1710 Cr. Cash 1710 Update the pay rate for each employee (in the “Pay Rate History” tab in your workbook. In your hard copy SUA packet, NA Dr. AR_Rosemount $16,170 CR. Sale $16,170 $830.25 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 NA SJ 12/21: Rosemount U, cr $3325 Dr. AR GL $3325 19 NA Dr. AR_Rosemount $3325 CR. Sale $3325 Use FC p22 (Accounting): -#18 Vendor invoice from Velocity (adjust the differences in quantities and prices, JA initial the adjusted vendor invoice) NA AR_sub ledger: Eastern Wisconxin U, cr. $4550 -#8 Restrictively endorse the check Doc#8 -# 9 Cash receipt prelist (Look for the original sales amt in SJ) Cash receipts Journal: dr. $12,000 cr. AR_EWU GL $12000 NA FC p23: -#20 Check#1153, sign, write “paid” on vendor invoice 17 18 the pay rate history is on the page of Employee Earnings Sub ledger. NA NA FC p23 -#21 ACH payment auth. write “paid” on vendor invoice FCp22 receiving: -#17 receiving report No.76, note No quantity differences between Dr. Freight-in G/L 30800 $738.15 Cr. Cash $738.15 Dr. Fixed assets (10800) $1256.10 Cr. AP_Chicago Office: $1256.10 receiving report and vendor invoice 201 1 FC P21: #22 RK approves and initial the time record report - #20 Checks# 1155-1157 Payroll Journal: - Fill in the three section of gross pay, deductions, payment for each employee Employee sub ledger, one for each person Dr. wages and salaries expense 7663.20 Cr. FICA 586.24 Cr. Fed income taxes w/h 610.00 Cr. State income taxes w/h 346.48 Cr. Cash (net pay) 6120.48 Need to use the information in p.8 of Instr. & FC book to get the SS tax rate of 6.2% and medicare 1.45%. Total of SS tax + Medicare is FICA. Systems Understanding Aid - 10th Edition*