Historical Context Chart
HIS 100 Theme 3: Historical Context Chart
Prompt: Use the three Secondary Sources located under “Article Citation” and explain in the chart below how you think the historical context of the time when these articles were written may have impacted the authors’ interpretations of the events. You are encouraged to check out www.ushistory.org/us/60.asp to help you formulate your thoughts on the historical context of your articles.
· As you read through each article, consider the three main questions for analyzing secondary sources
1. What argument is your source's author making? (This is the thesis statement.)
2. Why is your source's author making this argument? What is at stake for him or her?
3. Where are there weak points in your source's arguments? Do you see any potential bias or flaws in your source's argument
Historical Context
Article Citation
Historical Context of Publication Date
Impact of Historical Context on Author’s Thesis
Frisch, D. H. (1970). Scientists and
the decision to bomb
Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, 26
(6), 107
115. Retrieved from
Reynolds, M. L.,
& Lynch, F. X. (1955). Atomic
ies among survivors in Hiroshi
Public Health Reports, 70
(3), 261
270. Retrieved from
Voynick, Steve (2009) "From Radium to the A-Bomb." History Magazine. 10(4), 25-29. Retrieved from http://ezproxy.snhu.edu/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=khh&AN=37791674&site=edslive&scope=site