Art 101Two-Dimensional Design and ColorSan Diego State UniversityFall 2014Jun KwonOffice Hours: Tue & Thur : 10:40 am -11:30 am by appointmentOffice : Room 304A E-mail: jkwon@mail.sdsu.eduCourse Description This course is designed to help you understand basic concepts of design, develop your powers of observation and improve your design ability. The course will focuses on integrating the basic elements and principles involved in two dimensional design with the conceptual and expressive issues of an individual’s creativity. Design will be explored as a language to communicate and express idea.Course Objectives/ Learning Outcomes1. Use and understand basic vocabulary of two dimensional designProjects willdemonstrates a basic understanding of the Elements of Design and Organizing Principles.2. Demonstrate a working knowledge and understandingof the basic elements of a twodimensional art include line, shape, value, texture,color and spatial illusion3. Acquire the basic skills of painting, cutting, pasting, layout and mounting.Critically analyze their own work, and the work of contemporary design artist.4. Skillfully use a variety of artistic materials, techniques and tools, including pencils, inks, paints, glues and cutting tools etc5. Make individual and aesthetic decisions and judgments related to their own artwork6. Discuss, critique and evaluate their own two dimensional compositions, as well asthose of their classmate.7. Discuss and write a critical evaluation of two dimensional art, using the appropriatevocabulary and terminology pertaining to the basic elements and organizingprinciples of two dimensional art. 8. Examine, compare and analyze historical and contemporary examples of twodimensional art within a global context.9. Independently produce individual visual compositions and problem solving projects
Grading Policyand Course Requirements Grading for this course will consist of evaluating the student’s work, participation, and progress. Work will be evaluated for quality-skill, creativity, craftsmanship and concept.Progress relates to the student’s development and improvement during the semester. Class critiques will take place throughout the semester. Participation in discussions and critiques is required. Activities outside of class will include attending art related lectures, viewing gallery and museum exhibitions, and keeping a sketchbook. At least five hours per week will be required for assignments in addition to the time spent in classGrading will be based on following1.Project / HomeworkYou will be given an assignment, which is to worked on in class and at home and will be critique at the due date ofmeeting( see calendar). Each assignment will be graded. The overall total making up a portion will be your final grade. Any assignment turned in late will bereduced the equivalent ofone letter gradefor each project late.2.Grading rubricEach assignment and exercise will have a rubric that is both a guide line for the student and an aid to assessment for the instructor. Although the content will vary, the rubric will be basically the same. The rubric has a set of objectives and then an associated set of competencies.Rubric example:novicecompetentproficientmasterySubject Matter(20%)0-7pts7 to 7.9 pts8 to 8.9 pts9 to 10 ptsObjectives and Development(20%)0-7pts7 to 7.9 pts8 to 8.9 pts9 to 10 ptsInquiry and research(20%)0-7pts7 to 7.9 pts8 to 8.9 pts9 to 10 ptsProfessionalism andskilllevel(20%)0-7pts7 to 7.9 pts8 to 8.9 pts9 to 10 ptsParticipationand Effort(20%)0-7pts7 to 7.9 pts8 to 8.9 pts9 to 10 pts