What were the differences between the Sadducees Pharisees Essenes and Zealots
Business Finance
Understanding the New Testament
Question Description
Harris, S. L. (2014). The New Testament: A Student's Introduction (8th ed.). Dubuque : McGrawHill Education
Everyone seems to be doing well in their discussion and assignment completions. When you are writing, I want to challenge you to begin thinking in a higher order cognitive manner. Do not just describe the material, but rather look for meaning, cause and effect, and synthesis. If you are not familiar with synthesis, look it up, and give it a try!
Discuss: a minimum of 250 words (main post) and two scholarly sources.
The Church’s first Council (Conference, pp. 297-298) revealed some differences in ideas of ministry and mission between Paul and the Church in Jerusalem. What were some of those differences and do you think that the early church’s experience in dealing with these differences can be helpful for dealing with differences in the church today? How does Galatians Chapter 1 help us understand this? What were the differences between the Sadducees, Pharisees, Essenes, and Zealots? Read Colossians Chapter Three and see how this relates to these issues? Explain?