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William badke research strategies pdf

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Online resources have given us access to more knowledge than ever before. We’re buried in data, and defi ning what is and what is not genuine information becomes more of a challenge all the time. In this fi fth edition of Research Strategies, author William Badke helps you make sense of all of the available information, shows you how to navigate and discern it, and details how to use it to your advantage to become a better researcher.

Badke focuses on informational research and provides a host of tips and advice not only for conducting research, but also for everything from fi nding a topic to writing an outline to documenting resources and polishing the fi nal draft. Study guides, practice exercises, and assignments at the end of each chapter help reinforce each lesson.

An experienced research instructor who has led thousands of students to become better researchers, Badke uses humor to help you gain a better understanding of today’s complex, technological world. Research Strategies provides the skills and strategies to effi ciently and eff ectively complete a research project from topic to fi nished product. It shows how research can be exciting and even fun.

William Badke is associate librarian for Associated Canadian Th eological Schools and Information Literacy at Trinity Western University, British Columbia Canada. Since the mid-1980s, he

has been teaching students the joy of research done well. His book, Research Strategies, now in its fi fth edition, is a leading resource for courses in informational research.

iUniverse LLC Bloomington

Research Strategies

Finding your Way through the Information Fog

William Badke

5th Edition 2014

Research Strategies Finding your Way through the Information Fog

Copyright © 2014 William Badke

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

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Thanks to EBSCO Publishing for permission to use screenshots from their databases.

See the Research Strategies Website for updates, live links, keys and teaching aids: https://sites.google.com/site/researchstrategiesweb/

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Preface xvii

1. Welcome to the Information Fog 1 1.1 Before there was print 3 1.2 Reading and inscription 4 1.3 The printing press 5 1.4 Enter the World Wide Web 8 1.5 Information today – The state of the art 10

1.5.1 Books 10 1.5.2 Journals and magazines 14 1.5.3 Government and corporate documents 16 1.5.4 The World Wide Web 16 1.5.5 Web 2.0 17

1.6 Primary and secondary information sources 18 Clearing the Fog – What’s all this talk about academic information? 19 1.7 Warning - Not all information is informative 20 1.8 For further study 21

Study guide 21

2. Taking Charge 22 2.1 Wrestling with a topic 24 2.2 Elements of inadequate research 25 2.3 The key to great research 26 2.4 A model for research 29 2.5 Getting started in research 30

2.5.1 Getting a working knowledge through reference sources 30 2.5.2 Excursus: Wikipedia, the professor’s dilemma 33 2.5.3 Full text reference tools 35


2.6 Finding a good question 36 2.6.3 Thesis statements 37 2.6.4 Research questions - The bad and the ugly 38

Clearing the Fog – Research is a conversation, not a soliloquy 40 2.7 The preliminary outline 42 2.8 How about a few good examples? 44

2.8.1 “The thought of Erasmus of Rotterdam” 44 2.8.2 “Teenage Alcoholism” 44 2.8.3 “Climate Change” 44 2.8.4 “Behaviorism as a model for social engineering” 45

2.9 For further study 45 Study guide 45 Practice with research questions 46 Assignment for a research project of your own 46 Teaching tool 47

3. Database Searching with Keywords and Hierarchies 48 3.1 What’s a database? 49 3.2 Keyword searching 50

3.2.1 Database basics for keyword searching 50 3.2.2 Boolean searching 52

Clearing the Fog – What’s the best way to choose keywords? 59 3.3 Keyword searching with hierarchies 60

3.3.1 Hierarchies 60 3.3.2 Clustering search tools 64

3.4 Keyword searching – The good, bad, and ugly 65 3.5 For further study 66

Study guide 66 Practice with keywords and hierarchies 67 Suggested key to practice with keywords 68 Assignment for a research project of your own 70

4. Metadata and the Power of Controlled Vocabularies 71 4.1 It’s all about the metadata 72 4.2 Understanding metadata 73 4.3 Metadata in practice – The database record 75


4.4 Controlled vocabularies 77 4.5 Library of Congress Subject Headings 78 Clearing the Fog – Subject headings are not keywords, no they’re not. 84 4.6 Working the angles—Identifying controlled vocabularies 85

4.6.1 Library catalogs 86 4.6.2 Other databases 87

4.7 Getting more creative—combining controlled vocabulary and keyword searching 88 4.8 Keeping on track with controlled vocabularies 90 4.9 For further study 91

Study guide 91 Practice with controlled vocabularies 91 Suggested key to practice with controlled vocabularies 92 Assignment for a research project of your own 93

5. Discovery Searches, Library Catalogs and Journal Databases 94 5.1 Discovery Searches 95 5.2 Library catalogs 97

5.1.1 Making the catalog work for you 98 5.2.2 E-Books 100

Clearing the Fog – How to create in-text citations from e-readers when page numbers are missing 102 5.3 Journal databases 104 Clearing the Fog – Do you know the difference between an article and a journal? 104

5.3.1 Some background on the journal scene 106 Clearing the Fog – Some tips on journal article citations 109

5.3.2 Introduction to journal databases 110 Clearing the Fog - Please stop treating academic databases like Google – You’re hurting their feelings 114

5.3.3 RSS feeds from journal databases 116 5.3.4 Table of contents alerts 116

5.4 Approaching journal databases – Tips and hints 116 5.4.1 Be prepared for challenges. 116 5.4.2 Read the interface. 117


5.4.3 Be aware that databases tend to be something of a black hole. 117 5.4.4 Resist the urge to fill the search box with words. 117 5.4.5 Think about staging (faceting) your search. 118 5.4.6 Look for controlled vocabularies and advanced searches. 118 5.4.7 Think before you search. 118 5.4.8 Retrace your steps. 119 5.4.9 When in doubt, use the instructions. 119 5.4.10 Remain calm and get help if you need it. 119 5.4.11 Sometimes problems arise because you’re using the wrong database. 120 5.4.12 Check out the possibilities of interlibrary loan. 120

5.5 Citation searches, related articles and reference lists – Alternative ways of searching 121

5.5.1 Citation searches 121 5.5.2 Related articles 121 5.5.3 Reference lists 122

Clearing the Fog – What’s a doi? 122 5.6 Trying out a live journal database 123 5.7 Varieties of the journal database 126 5.8 Final pep talk 127 5.9 For further study 127

Study guide 127 Practice with journal databases 128 Assignment for a project of your own 128

6. Internet Research 130 6.1 A brief introduction to the Net 132 6.2 Google Scholar and other free academic search engines on the Net 133

6.2.1 Why start with academic search engines? 133 6.2.2 Google Scholar (http://scholar.google.com) 133

Clearing the Fog – Google Scholar may be more valuable for what surrounds a citation than for what is in it. 137

6.2.3 BASE (http://www.base-search.net/) 138


6.2.4 Microsoft Academic Search (http://academic.research.microsoft.com/) 139 6.2.5 CiteSeerX (http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/) 139 6.2.6 Scirius (http://www.scirus.com/srsapp/) 140 6.2.7 getCITED (http://www.getcited.org/) 140 6.2.8 Others 141

6.3 Search engines for the rest of humanity – Google and friends 142

6.3.1 Searching by search engine, using keywords 142 6.3.2 A basic introduction to the best search engines 144

Clearing the Fog – While you are searching Google, Google is searching you 148

6.3.3 RSS feeds from search engines 152 6.3.5 The coming semantic search engines 152

6.4 Searching by subject tree 153 6.5 Portals 153 6.6 The Hidden Internet 155

6.6.1 What do we mean by “Hidden?” 155 6.6.2 What’s in the Hidden Internet? 155 6.6.3 How do I find information on the Hidden Internet? 156

6.7 Evaluating information from the Internet 156 6.8 Some more Internet addresses valuable for research purposes 159

6.8.1 Reference sources 159 6.8.2 Searchable library catalogs 159 6.8.3 Phone directories 160

6.9 For further study 160 Study guide 160 Practice with the Internet 160 Assignment 161

7. Other Resources and Case Studies in Research 163 7.1 Seeing where you’ve been 164 Clearing the Fog – Step by step may not always be the best approach, but it can help you find your way 165 7.2 ERIC 166


7.3 Government documents 169 7.4 Doctoral dissertations 170 7.5 Bibliographic managers 171

7.5.1 EndNote (http://www.endnoteweb.com/) 171 7.5.2 RefWorks (http://refworks.com/) 172 7.5.3 Zotero (http://www.zotero.org/) 172

7.6 Consulting with friends, mentors and librarians 173 7.6.1 What are good friends for? 173 7.6.2 Consulting professors 173 7.6.3 Encountering librarians 174

7.7 Case studies in research 174 7.7.1 “Arctic Ice Issues Resulting from Climate Change” 174 7.7.2 “The First Crusade” 180

Clearing the Fog – Research is like a box of chocolates 184 7.8 For further study 185

Study guide 185 Practice with resources introduced in this chapter 185 Assignment 186

8. Learning How to Read for Research 188 8.1 Reading for the connoisseur and the glutton 189

8.1.1 Be ruthless 190 8.1.2 Get to know the material without reading it all 191 8.1.3 A final word on analytical reading 195

Clearing the Fog – On using more than the first three pages 196 8.2 Evaluation of research resources 196 8.3 Note taking 198

8.3.1 The determined photo-copier/printer/e-doc highlighter 199 8.3.2 The value of going all digital 201 8.3.3 The quoter 202 8.3.4 The summarizer 203 8.3.5 The paraphraser (not recommended in most cases) 204 8.3.6 Which method is best? 205


8.4 Further notes on note-taking 205 Clearing the Fog – What if I’m not an organized person? 207 8.5 A gentle warning about the horrible crime of plagiarism 208

8.5.1 Why get stressed about plagiarism? 209 8.5.2 About getting caught 210 8.5.3 International students and plagiarism 211

8.6 For further study 212 Study guide 212 Practice / Assignment 213

9. Organizing Your Resources to Write your Paper 214 9.1 Your notes, photocopies and printouts 215

9.1.1 Organizing digital notes 215 9.1.2 Organizing your paper-based notes 216

9.2 Your bibliography 217 Clearing the Fog - How can I learn to read citations well? 218 9.3 Your subject index 220 9.4 A Second Method for Note Organization 223 9.5 Indexing your notes for larger assignments 226 9.6 For further study 227

Study guide 227 Practice/Assignment 228

10. Tips on Research Writing 229 10.1 The final outline 230

10.1.1 Step one: The research question/thesis statement 230 10.1.2 Step two: Preliminary outline headings 231 10.1.3 Step three: Organizing the headings 231

Clearing the Fog – What about creativity? 236 10.2 Some tips on research writing 237

10.2.1 Introduce your paper well 237 10.2.2 Be focused at all times 238 10.2.3 Always describe before you analyze. 238 10.2.4 Avoid ridicule. 238 10.2.5 Be logical. 238 10.2.6 Be explicit. 239 10.2.7 Aim for clear writing rather than erudition. 240


10.2.8 Watch out for flawed arguments. 240 10.2.9 Know when to quote and when not to quote 242 10.2.10 Know some basic principles for quotations. 243 10.2.11 Know the uses of footnotes/endnotes/citations. 244

Clearing the Fog – Becoming a better academic writer 246 10.2.12 Watch your conclusions. 247 10.2.13 Give your final paper a professional look. 247

10.3 For further study 248 Study guide 248 Practice/Assignment 249

APPENDIX ONE – A Research Paper Clinic: More Tips and Troubleshooting for Development of Great Research Papers 250

A1.1 Research questions 251 A1.1.1 Why many research projects miss the target 251 A1.1.2 Getting focused by asking the right question 252 A1.1.3 The question that isn’t there 253 A1.1.4 The fuzzy question 254 A1.1.5 The multi-part question 256 A1.1.6 The open-ended question 258 A1.1.7 The question that will not fly 259

A1.1.8 Thesis statements 260 A1.2 Practice with research questions 260

A.2.1 The questions: 260 A.1.2.2 Suggested key for the questions: 261 A1.3 Types of research papers 263

A1.3.1 Descriptive paper 263 A1.3.2 Analytical or investigative paper 263 A1.3.3 Persuasive paper 264 A1.3.4 Literature review 265

A1.4 The outline as a research paper guidance system 266 A1.4.1 Why worry about an outline early in the research process? 266 A1.4.2 Steps to a good outline 267 A1.4.3 Practice with outlines 270 A1.4.4 Suggested key for practice with outlines 271

A1.5 Building the substance of the essay 274


A1.5.1 Intent and direction 274 A1.5.2 Building the paper 274 A1.5.3 Using sources well 275 A1.5.4 Avoiding theft of other people’s work 277 A1.5.5 Practice with essay structure 279

A1.6 Bibliographic style 280 A1.6.1 Style software 281 A1.6.2 Crib sheets 283

A1.7 Conclusion 286

APPENDIX TWO – This Textbook and Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education (ACRL) 287

Index 289



Everyone does research. Some just do it better than others. This book is definitely for you if you are:

! a university student whose term papers have been patented as a cure for insomnia;

! a Dilbert of industry who’s been told to do a feasibility study on the expansion potential of winter ice cream bar sales in Nome, Alaska;

! a simple honest person trying to find the truth behind the advertising so that the next car you buy won’t be like your last disaster-mobile, the car that made you persona non grata at the automobile association.

Are you ready for your next research project? Really ready? Do you have the skills and strategies to get the job done efficiently and effectively without panic attacks and the need for a long vacation when you’re done? Do you have confidence that you can start with a topic about which you know nothing and end with an understanding of it that is neither trite nor superficial? Are you prepared to enjoy the experience? [Yes, I did say “enjoy.”]

If the previous paragraph has left you feeling somewhat queasy, this book is for you. Even if you think you have significant research skills, you can learn better ones if you take the time to read on. You have the privilege of living in the information age, with boundless opportunities all around you to find out anything about anything. But faced with a humongous number of Internet sites, not to mention academic and commercial databases of increasing size and complexity, knowing how to navigate through the information fog isn’t something you can pick up easily on your own. Truth to tell,


there is a ton of studies telling us that most people have vastly higher opinions about their research ability than actual tests of that ability can demonstrate.

Yet you can hardly call yourself educated if you don’t have really good skills to handle complex information systems and do research effectively, not in a world in which most careers are built more on what you can find out than what you already know.

Who am I to try to teach you about research? Just someone who has taught the strategies in this book to thousands of anxious university students, both undergraduate and graduate, for close to 30 years (making me a dinosaur?), and who likes nothing better than to walk people through the information fog. I am Associate Librarian for Associated Canadian Theological Schools and Information Literacy at Trinity Western University. Being the author of a number of books and scholarly articles myself (see my bio at http://www.acts.twu. ca/library/badke.htm), you can rest assured that I’ve devoted a lot of my life to doing research and not just teaching it. So I understand what you’re going through.

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