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Welcome to Intercultural Communication SP 115, 4 credits

Chemeketa Community College 4000 Lancaster Dr NE, Salem, OR 97309

Instructor Kimberly Burdon


Please use the private e-mail within this course to contact me. I will respond to your e-mail between 24/48 hours. If there is an emergency, the best way to reach me is through the e-mail. I check the class web page at least once a day on Mon.-Sat. I do not check e-mail on Sunday.


Textbook: Martin, J. N., & Nakayama, T. K. (2008) Experiencing intercultural communication: An introduction. (4th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill. ISBN 978-0-07-340668-8 You could also use the 3rd edition of the textbook ISBN978-0-07-340679.

I would strongly encourage you to bookmark this website so that you can review the sample quiz questions before taking the timed graded quizzes online. www.mhhe.com/experiencing3 The publisher is no longer providing "free" access to the author's study material for the fourth edition. If you purchased a new book and have the code then you will be able to access the information from the 4th edition. If you did not purchase a new book the material from the previous edition will provide you with a good review before you take the timed quizzes.


The course is highly reliant upon having the correct textbook. You must have the textbook in order to take the course. You may access the course textbook at http://bookstore.chemeketa.edu/home.aspx or at Amazon at http://www.amazon.com/ or at www.bookbyte.com

Recommended Prerequisites:

Recommended completion of WR115 with a grade of C or better, or equivalent test score placement into WR121

Writing Skills: A research paper and project is required for this course. It is a good idea to have successfully completed WR115.

Technical Requirements:

This course requires students to possess basic computer and internet skills. Please be comfortable with basic functions such as saving files, emailing, navigating the web, researching online sites, and uploading and attaching files.

Technical Access:

Students must have access to a word processing software program for writing the assignments.  A Word processor such as Microsoft Word, or Claris Works, or Word Perfect. Regardless of

your choice of word processor, for assignments I only accept .doc and .rtf files. I can not read odt,wps or .docx. If you have MS Office 2010 or 2007 please save all documents in .doc, or .rtf. Any document not saved in the correct format will not be counted.

Students must have regular and reliable access to an Internet connected computer. Please see explanation of computer requirements at http://learning.chemeketa.edu/orient/mod2/mod2_compreq.cfm

Technical Help

The Help Desk is open 24/7 503 399-7399 I can not help you with technical problems. Please contact them for technical assistance.

Online Learning Orientation

Chemeketa CC provides an online learning orientation at http://learning.chemeketa.edu/orient/intro/intro.cfm

Please take the online learning orientation so that you are familiar with online learning. Your instructor can answer specific questions about the course work. If you have technical questions, please become


familiar with the types of support offered at http://learning.chemeketa.edu/orient/mod5/mod5_help.cfm

QM Qualification

This course has met the highest standards of instructional design quality based on national standards of best practice, the research literature, and instructional design principles. All critical course components—Learning Objectives, Assessment, Resources and Materials, Learner Engagement, and Course Technology work together to ensure that students achieve the desired learning outcomes. “QM is a leader in quality assurance for online education and has received national recognition for its peer- based approach and continuous improvement in online education and student learning. (QM website, FAQ: What is QM?).”

Course Description

This course focuses on the intercultural aspects of the communication process. The affects of cultural values on both verbal

and nonverbal behaviors are studied in order to better understand communication in a variety of contexts, including personal,

workplace and public. This course provides a balance between theory and practical application. The focus of this course is to

provide opportunities for students to understand cultural differences, cultural influences, and perceptions to expand their

abilities to become competent communicators. Students are provided with a variety of opportunities to learn and improve their

abilities to communicate with other people.


Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of the course, students should be able to:

As Demonstrated by:

1 Identify and explain the key underlying dimensions of a culture. Quiz 1, & 3, Discussion Wk2

2 Define basic variables of intercultural communication: language, beliefs, nonverbal communication

Quiz 4, Discussion Wk 4

3 Identify specific personal guidelines for contacting and communicating with a new culture.

Quiz 2, LM 1-2, Discussion Wk 2,& 3

4 Apply interpersonal communication principles, including verbal and nonverbal skills, in various cultural contexts

Cultural Identity Research paper and Peer review paper of Group Media Project

5 Identify how their own cultural filters influence their communicative behaviors with others.

All quizzes, Discussion Wk 2 and Wk 4, and the Cultural Identity Research paper

6 Use strategies to communicate more effectively and with reduced anxiety when communicating with people from cultures other than ones own.

Quiz 6-11, Discussion Wk 3,

7 Describe the role of power and privilege in communication contexts. All Quizzes, Cultural Identity Research paper and Group Media Project

8 Describe the intersection between culture and globalization and the role of US culture and policy on other cultures

Quizzes 5-9, Group Media Project, Discussion Wk 7

9 Engage in introspection to discuss how their cultural perceptions, attitudes, values and beliefs influence the communication process

Discussion Wk, 2, 3, 4, Cultural Identity Research paper, and End of term reflection paper

10 Identify and compare beliefs, values, worldviews, and the social organization of diverse people.

All Quizzes, Discussion Wk 3, Group Media Project


List of Assessments


DWk 2: Practice Discussion with three options for discussion question. Full Class

DWk3: Historical Context -Private Groups

DWk4: Values -Full Class

DWk 5: Rough Draft of your Cultural Identity Research paper due-Full Class

DWk 6: Peer review of CI paper –Full Class Cultural Identity Research paper due to the Assignment box

DW 7: Media Project- Private Groups

DWk 8: Peer Review of Media Project-Full Class, Individual APA annotated list of References

DWk 9: Media project due &, Peer and Self evaluations due,

DWK 10: Final Reflection paper


There will be at least one quiz each week. It will be a ten point multiple choice test, to keep you on track

with your reading. This is not an open book test and it will be timed. You have from Monday to Sunday to

schedule time to take your quiz. I strongly suggest you do not wait until Sunday night at 11:00 PM to take the

quiz. Computer problems, server crashes, and other issues can and do occur.

You may take each quiz twice (the quiz questions are randomly selected) your grade will be

determined by the highest of your two test scores.


Quizzes must be competed by Sunday at 11:55 p.m. on the date it is due and will not be available

beyond the stated date. I understand that there are times when you miss a quiz deadline so there is an

extra quiz available just for this type of occasion. At the end of the term, the lowest quiz grade will be

dropped. Therefore, if you miss a quiz, just make sure to take the rest of the quizzes. You may not take a

quiz after the quiz is closed. No late quizzes, you have a week to take it, plan your time accordingly.


Cultural Identity Research Paper

Peer and Self Evaluation of the Media Group Project

Annotated Bibliography

Final Reflection Paper


Group Media Project

Advising and Counseling

Recent research indicates that community college students who seek out academic advising are more likely to meet their educational goals. Meeting with an advisor can help:

 clarify your academic and life goals,


 choose classes that prepare you for a career, and  ensure whether your credits will transfer to another institution.

Advising is available by making an appointment at Counseling and Career Services in Building 2 (503-399-5120 or advising@chemeketa.edu). In addition, you may want to explore ePathways, an electronic educational planning system at http://my.chemeketa.edu. Instructors are also available to discuss class, degree, and career options. Start planning now for your success as a student.

Services and Resources for Student Success

 Library Services: Bldg. 9, Rm. 200, 503-399-5043  Math Learning Center: Bldg. 3, Rm. 277, 503-399-3998  Open computer labs: Bldg. 6, Rm. 218 and in Bldg. 9/Library  Study Skills Center: Bldg. 2, Rm. 212, 503-399-5162  Tutoring Services: Bldg. 2, Rm. 210, 503-399-5190  Writing Center: Bldg. 9, Library, 503-399-717  Free workshops for students: Study Skills Center, Bldg. 2/212 contact 503-399-5162

1. Managing time, Avoiding Procrastination, Taking Better Notes, Improving Test Scores, Taking Essay Tests, Managing Test Anxiety and more…ALL FREE!

2. These FREE courses can be taken face to face or online for more information or to register go to: http://www.chemeketa.edu/earncertdegree/advising/studyskills/studying/workshops.html



We are enriched by the diversity of our students, staff, and community. We welcome diverse perspectives and encourage the

free exchange of ideas. Chemeketa provides an environment that celebrates the freedom to teach. In the celebration of

teaching and learning it is appropriate that individuals and groups be viewed with regard to their potential to contribute within

the learning environment. Each has dignity and value.


Students who need accommodations for a disability should contact this instructor or Disability Services in

Building 2, Room 174 or call 503-399-5192 (V/TTY). If you require specific instructional accommodations, please

notify me early in the course. If you are a student who has been allowed special accommodations from Disability

Services, please arrange these services, including a tape recorder for notes, alternate test times, and

arrangement for note taker. I am glad to provide any assistance you need in this area, but it is your responsibility

to initiate these measures and provide documentation that you are allowed these accommodations.

Veterans’ Services


Returning Veteran students who have concerns about their benefits, the GI Bill etc. should contact Lupe, Bruce or Chelsea.

Veterans’ Services, Building 2, veterans@chemeketa.edu, 503-399-5004

Veterans’ Lounge opens fall term 2012 in 2/223 (Lupe is the contact person)

Disability Services, Building 2, disability@chemeketa.edu, 503-399-5192

Counseling Center, Building 2, advising@chemeketa.edu, 503-399-5120

Course Framework

Transformational learning, according to Mezirow (1991), “Involves an enhanced level of awareness of one’s

beliefs and feelings, a critique of their assumptions, an assessment of alternative perspectives, a decision to

negate an old perspective in favor of the new one, an ability to take action based on the new one, and a desire to

fit the new perspective into the context of one’s life."

Keeping the above in mind recognize

1. Seeing our own culture is like seeing air—it is simply there, so familiar, so much a part of our environment that

we assume it is ALL that there is. Breaking through that perceptual barrier takes effort and time.

2. We are all bound by our own cultural, racial, and ethnic perceptions and experiences. Truly understanding the

experiences of others whose lives and experiences are different from our own does not come naturally. It


requires effort that, for all intents and purposes, demands that we unlearn thousands of years of socialization that

helped us to indentify ourselves in terms of communities where we are defined by our similarities.

3. Embracing cultural difference is a journey of discovery that will continue for one's entire lifetime, and that is

perhaps the most exciting and rewarding thing about it. There is so much to learn and so many people to learn

from that one never really "arrives."

4. Knowledge of oneself as a cultural being is the primary place to start when studying intercultural

communication. If you don't know what you believe and value and how those beliefs and values influence your

perceptions and reactions to people and events around you, it is extremely difficult to approach interaction across

differences with an open mind and heart. We are only able to step back and examine responses to events if we

are mindful of the sources of those responses (Martin & Nakayama, Instructor's Manual, p.2).

In short, this course will challenge you to examine your identities both confirmed and unconfirmed; it will

encourage you to reflect deeply on your assumptions of the world around you. A wise Chilean biologist defined

the term reflection in this way.

"The moment of reflection...is the moment when we become aware of that part of ourselves which

we cannot see in any other way." (Change your questions, change your life. Nelson, p. 6)


Ground Rules for Civil Discourse

The Moral Basis of Civility

The word civilité shares the same etymology with words like civilized and civilization. Quite simply, the root word

means to be "a member of the household." Just as there are certain rules that allow family members to live

peacefully within a household, so there are rules of civility that allow us to live peacefully within a society. We

have certain moral responsibilities to one another.

Civility also acknowledges the value of another person.

Recognizing that each of us comes from a different background and worldview, all postings will adhere to discuss

issues in a sensitive manner that does not hurt, insult, or otherwise offend others, but instead tries to get at real

understanding of the others' perspectives.

1. Ask open ended, objective Socratic questions for clarification.

2. Try to see the other person's view point. Agree when you can, and provide feedback about what you are


3. Respectfully disagree, and explain why you disagree.

4. Express your point of view; back it up with evidence, without backing someone else into a corner.

5. Refrain from name-calling, swearing and other forms of inappropriate language, and using put downs.


In addition to the above basic rules of civility we will also adhere to rules of netiquette.

Netiquette: This is a communication course. Clear well thought out writing, including proof-reading, and spell

checking is necessary to make sure you get your point across. Additionally, the perception you create Online will

be influenced by your knowledge of and adherence to rules of politeness. Click here to assess your level of

netiquette. http://www.albion.com/netiquette/netiquiz.html

In short, "Poor writing is equivalent to someone speaking with spinach stuck between their teeth. Listeners and

readers concentrate on the spinach; not what is being said" A very astute Netizen from www.netmanners.com

Course Expectations

1. Openness to learning and growing- this involves becoming more aware of yourself as a communicator and

appreciating the communication differences in others.

2. Participation-Each of us is to be fully and actively involved in the course. I expect each of us to be open to try new

experiences and gain confidence using a variety of communication skills. You are required to log on several times

throughout the week to participate in the full class discussion board or small group discussions.

3. Responsibility-Each of you are responsible for the success of this experience. On some occasions, you will be

asked to reflect on your individual communication experiences. On other occasions you will be asked to participate


with others in facilitation of the discussion experience. Be respectful about sharing and maintain a policy of

confidentiality about self disclosure.

4. Role of Instructor-As a teacher my function is to facilitate learning, act as a resource, learn from you and with you,

and evaluate your performance.

5. Your role as a learner- The primary responsibility for learning resides with you. I will provide a comfortable learning

environment as stated above, however; the degree of your personal motivation will determine how much personal

satisfaction and knowledge you gain from the course.

6. Academic Honesty-Do your own work! Using someone else work as your own or using information or ideas without

proper citations can lead to your failing the assignment or the class. Plagiarism and cheating are serious offenses.

Bibliographies (called "works cited" in MLA or "References" in APA) and in-text citations are required whenever you

use outside sources, including the use of the Internet.

Class Routine

The class routine is different than in a face to face class it is also different from a correspondence course. Students

and the instructor may make postings to the course around the clock. Regular participation in the discussions board

and all other parts of this course is mandatory. There are also deadlines, and due dates which need to be met, unlike

a correspondence course. In the Online environment your frequent and intelligent contributions will not only enhance


your learning experience, but will also enhance your classmate’s experiences as well. There is a virtual classroom for

this course where you and those assigned to your group will interact. For you to succeed you must be willing to visit

the classroom and participate with your assigned group members while you are there. This is not a self paced class.

Monday- Each week starts on Monday. Check the course calendar/course at a glance for each week’s

activities, quizzes, assignments, and readings. There will be at least one quiz each week

Tuesday-Friday- You have more flexibility on these days. Complete the readings in the textbook, Learning Modules,

reading your classmates papers and other outside links. Prepare responses to discussion questions, and/or write

your papers. By Wednesday, 11:55 p.m. you should post your response to the discussion question/ and/ or post

your paper for review. Thursday-Saturday you should be responding to a minimum of two of your assigned group

members' postings on the discussion board using Socratic questions to deepen the discussion and further engage

those in your group. If you don't have a minimum of two responses to the discussion by Saturday 11:55 p.m. it is

late. There will be two times during the term where you will be engaged for a discussion over two weeks so that you

are able to complete the group assignments. The same requirements as above apply to those weeks as well. You will

also have one week where the whole class will post their papers to receive feedback from peers. During this week

you are required to submit your paper read ten papers and reply to five of your peer’s papers.

Please Note: If you continually wait until the last second to submit your answers or your responses that will be noted


as detrimental to the group and your grade will be affected. Alternatively, if you want to participate more and be

involved in a full class discussion, that's great, as long as the involvement is enhancing the learning climate. Just as

little involvement will be negatively reflected in your grade, conversely, greater participation will have a positive effect.

Travel: If you do plan a trip during the course, please plan for internet access during your trip and/or post your

assignments ahead of time. It is your responsibility to plan ahead. If you anticipate being out of town and know you

will need to post discussion responses, perhaps you can find a classmate who is willing to work ahead and post their

contributions early so that you can respond. This would be an appropriate use of the Cultural Café discussion thread.

In the case of emergency, please contact me right away so we can jointly determine solutions to help you be

successful in the course. The sooner you contact me the more options we have for solutions.

Due Dates

There are several due dates each week.

 All Quizzes are due on Sunday

 Submission postings are due on Wednesday

 Response postings are due on Saturday

 Assignments (papers and projects) are due on Sunday


Discussion Postings

Discussion Board:

You will be using the discussion board area in which you will be integrating terminology, theories, and concepts learned

through the textbook and other Online resources to provide intelligent well thought out responses and critiques. I will be

looking for a correlation between your own thoughts, what the textbook says, and what you see in the world around you.

In other words, how you applied the concepts to your life, what examples or experiences have you had or that you have

noticed in the world around you that applies to the concept we are discussing.

Please note: Like any class, your writing quality will be noticed and evaluated accordingly. Texting language is

not appropriate to use within this course. I recommend you type your submission, or assignment in Word (or

another similar program) and save it before posting it to the discussion board or the assignment tool.

To post to the discussion board, copy your assignment into a blank bulletin board message (highlight the text you want

to be posted, click copy, then go to the discussion board message, put the cursor in the body and click paste). The

subject line should be the title of the discussion.

You will be posting two types of messages on the discussion board; submissions and responses. Submission

Postings will usually take the form of answers to the discussion question assigned to your group for that week.


Submission postings should be more than a quick surface response to the question. Also note that most of the

discussion questions have several parts to them. Make sure you adequately address all parts of the question

for full point value. After a careful review of the examples I have provided you will note, submission postings should

definitely be a more than two paragraphs and include terms from the textbook (with in-text citations) and also your own

personal experience. A less effective submission posting does not adequately answer the question, it may be late,

difficult to understand, or it may be missing application of the concepts. I have provided you with examples of effective

and less effective submission postings on the Home page under the “Student Work Samples”. The effective submission

and response postings are signified by Professor Dumbledore.

Response Postings are the comments you make to other postings which your group members have made. A good

response serves the purpose of adding to the discussion. I have also provided you with examples of response postings

that are effective and less effective. The less effective examples are signified by Mr. Grinch and included under the

“Student Work Samples” on the Home page. Be sure to review both types of examples so you know what I am looking

for. One way to add to the discussion is to use Socratic questions to help your classmates think more deeply about

the topic area. Another way to provide a good response is to add your own experiences as a way to relate to the other

person you are responding to. It is not very helpful to the discussion to say "yeah I agree" or "That's so cool." You are

required to post a minimum of two responses to your group by Saturday. You may also post questions for the instructor

in the discussion board under the heading; "Questions for Kimberly." Questions posted in this section of the discussion

board are public and can be answered by anyone. Questions posted to me within the class e-mail are private. If you

have questions about your grade or want further clarification about a grade be sure to use the private e-mail rather than


"Questions for Kimberly".

*Note: Review the “Student Work Samples” and the “Socratic questions” on the home page.

Discussion Questions: To find the discussion question that you are to be focusing on for the week, go to the Learning

Module for that week. At the bottom of the learning module, you will see all of the discussion questions. Each week we

have discussions you will be randomly selected into different groups. To determine the group you are in you can click on

Student Groups From the course menu on the left hand side. These are private groups you will only see your group and

the people who are in your group. The instructions for your discussion topic will be listed by title and number. Generally

there are four groups. You will need to click on your groups number and title to read the instructions so you know which

question to address. One other reminder make sure you are creating “Threads” not forums. All discussions must be

conducted in the discussion board of the class! Private e-mail back and forth between group members will not be

accepted as part of your participation grade for the week. I will grade what I see and what I can read based on the

rubric. Be sure to review the rubric for the discussions so you know exactly what I expect and how your grade will be

determined. The discussion rubric is located on the Home Page of this course. Discussion responses and submissions

are worth 30 points unless otherwise specified on the discussion board.


Writing Standards For Papers & Projects

In this course, you will be learning from each other as you read each others reflections and personal experiences with

the course, thus providing you with multiple perspectives into the course material. The writing assignment has two


1) Posting a first draft of your written paper, reading 10 others and replying to 5 other papers this is worth 5 points.

2) Based on the feedback received decide what changes, should be made to your paper, make the changes and then

post your final paper in the Assignment section under Cultural Identities. You will receive points for the content (quality

of your paper) in the Assignment sections.

Make sure your papers are double-spaced, 12 point font, APA style; including your references. At minimum,

your paper should include the three reference articles, your textbook and one other source of research. This is

a research paper not a reflection paper. This part of the assignment is worth 24 pts.

The papers are to be about 2.5 pages in length, double spaced, 12 point font, and proof-read for accuracy in

spelling and grammar. Instructions for this paper are located in the Learning Module for that week. You will post your

paper in the discussion section, read other student papers, and then respond to another student papers all in the

discussion board.

Under Week Five Discussion Cultural Identities Research paper:


 Write a 2.5 page paper and post

 Read at least 10 other papers

 Respond substantially to five other papers.

Please read at least 10 other student posts as the goal of this approach is to learn from the perspectives of the other

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