Our CustomerTermsPage 1of 33Telstra Mobile SectionTelstra Mobile Recent Changes was last changed on 11 November2014DRAFT [NO.]: [Date]Marked to show changes from draft [No.]: [Date]1Recent Changes1.1This document lists recent changes to the Telstra Mobile section of Our Customer TermsDate of changeService/FeatureWhat has changed?SeeSection11 November 2014Webmail Terms for Webmail email service have moved from terms of use document to sit with Email OCTterms Mobiles Section Part E SMS Messages Email OCT amendments to clause 115 November 2014Navman Wireless HardwareA new accessory (Lone Worker Pendant) has been added to the solutionMobiles Section, Part G ‘Data Services’, section 13.3 November 2014Boost Pre-Paid OfferChange in mobile internet data allowance for $40 recharges on the Boost Pre-Paid UNLTD Offer Part C –Special Promotions –new clause 3.4(d); amendment to clause 3.4(c).30 October 2014Enterprise MobilityManaged Service 2Extension of the eligibility criteria to Telstra Business customers and other clarifications.Part J, Enhanced Business Services, Section 1624 October 2014Telstra mobile Broadband Business PlansInclusion of data sharing with DOT PlansSection 25 –Part G –Data Services21 October 2014Telstra Pre-Paid Freedom offerLaunch of Data Top Up RechargesPart C –Special Promotions –new clauses 2.13-2.16; amendments to clauses 2.17 and 2.18.21 October 2014Telstra Mobile Broadband Explorer PlansIntroduction of new $10 Telstra Mobile Broadband Explorer Plan 500MB (invitation only).Part B –Pricing Plans –Mobile Data ServicesAmended sections 2.26 and 2.309 October 2014Calls from mobile services to numbers commencing with 1800Zero-rating calls made from mobile services to numbers commencing with 1800 whilst in AustraliaPart B –Pricing Plans; Part –Other Call Types26 September 2014Whereis EveryoneCease sale of monthly subscription plans and casual plans for new customers.Section 14 –Part H –Bigpond Mobile Services.New clause 14.1.
Our CustomerTermsPage 2of 33Telstra Mobile SectionTelstra Mobile Recent Changes was last changed on 11 November2014DRAFT [NO.]: [Date]Marked to show changes from draft [No.]: [Date]16 September 2014Business Fleet Connect PlansWe have introduced an optional Data Share SIM for the $140 Business Fleet Connect Plan and reduced the early termination charges for Business Fleet Connect Plans.Section 7 –Part B -Our current and recent business pricing plans of the Telstra Mobile Section16 September 2014Telstra Mobile Broadband BusinessIntroduction of new Telstra Mobile Broadband share plans.Section 25 and 26 –Part G –Data Services10 September 2014International RoamingExit of 20MB Data Usage AlertsRemoval of pro-rating of Included Allowance for Frequent Traveller Data PlansChange of expiry date of data allowance for Casual Traveller Data Packs where multiple packs are purchased.Removal of data packs no longer available for purchase.Part I –International Roaming –amending sections 4.15, 5.8, 5.13, 6.5, 7 and 8.110 September 2014Navman Wireless HardwareA range of new accessories are being added to the standard product.Mobiles Section, Part G ‘Data Services’, section 13.3 September 2014Telstra Global Wi-Fi ServiceIntroduction of Telstra Global Wi-Fi ServiceSection 34 –Part G –Data Services.12 August 2014Business Fleet Connect Plans We are introducing a new $120 plan option.Section 7 –Part B -Our current and recent business pricing plans of the Telstra Mobile Section7 August 2014Rugged Device Management ServicesA new section has been added to the Mobile OCT to describe a new M2M related service offering, called Rugged Device Management ServiceNew section 19 of Part J (Enhanced Business Services) of the Mobile Section.