Page 2 Questions
How many people visit the website? How do they come to the website?
During the period observed, there were 69431 visits to the website. During the initial period, there were an average 1055 visits per day. During the pre-promo period, the average was 563. During the promotional period the average was 1814. During the post-promotional period the average was 857. Prior to the promotion, QA used direct mail, advertising in trade magazines, and paid listings on two industrial product web portals. During the promotional period, QA used brochures to reach their target audience.
Is the website generating interest, and how does this interest yield actual sales?
During the website's launch, it generated sales, but sales & profits have been on a downward trend throughout the year. There was a spike during promotial period but the decline continued after the initial peak. The number of visits to the website does not seem to affect sales.
Do traditional promotions drive web traffic and in turn drive incremental sales?
Traditional promotions drive traffic but do not have positive long-term impacts on sales.
How can visits to the website be modeled?
Histograms break down the visits into even periods which makes the data easier to interpret
Where and how should QA advertise?
QA should expand into more industrial product web portals.
Columbia CaseWorks
Web Analytics at Quality Alloys, Inc.
Author: Rob Weitz and David Rosenthal
Columbia CaseWorks ID: 110203
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Weekly Visits
Quality Alloys
Weekly Web Analytics Initial "Shakedown" Period Pre and Post Promotion Periods
May 25, 2008 - August 29, 2009 Promotion Period are unshaded.
Week (2008-2009) Visits Unique Visits Pageviews Pages/Visit Avg. Time on Site (secs.) Bounce Rate % New Visits
May 25 - May 31 1,632 1,509 3,328 2.04 71 72.67% 88.54%
Jun 1 - Jun 7 1,580 1,450 3,097 1.96 56 75.51% 87.34% Question 2 Initial
Jun 8 - Jun 14 1,441 1,306 3,202 2.22 79 73.98% 84.32% Visits Unique Visits Revenue Profit Lbs. Sold
Jun 15 - Jun 21 1,452 1,301 3,170 2.18 81 73.62% 84.37% mean 1055.214 957.9286 608250.1 200233.4 18736.73
Jun 22 - Jun 28 1,339 1,255 2,366 1.77 50 76.40% 89.25% median 899 845.5 586169.7 208193 17269.7
Jun 29 - Jul 5 892 841 1,865 2.09 71 73.65% 87.56% std. dev 355.0333 319.5972 155930.4 60691.55 5427.393
Jul 6 - Jul 12 797 731 1,885 2.37 80 61.48% 85.70% miniminum 626 594 274567.6 62580.4 8633.059
Jul 13 - Jul 19 744 706 1,916 2.58 96 59.27% 88.84% maximum 1632 1509 890076.7 275218.1 28052.92
Jul 20 - Jul 26 1,044 976 2,670 2.56 82 60.34% 86.69%
Jul 27 - Aug 2 906 850 2,189 2.42 78 63.36% 87.42% Pre-Promotion
Aug 3 - Aug 9 849 791 1,947 2.29 91 64.43% 87.04% Visits Unique Visits Revenue Profit Lbs. Sold
Aug 10 - Aug 16 737 685 1,746 2.37 98 62.82% 87.25% mean 563 517 534313.52 159932.03 18440.77
Aug 17 - Aug 23 734 668 1,946 2.65 100 62.40% 84.33% median 558 510 534541.68 152476.40 17215.12
Aug 24 - Aug 30 626 594 1,540 2.46 91 61.98% 86.58% std. dev 80.871179162 70.9391422613 150502.82 42682.68 5965.63
Aug 31 - Sep 6 577 537 1,489 2.58 83 62.05% 86.66% miniminum 383 366 315647.10 100388.40 8992.42
Sep 7 - Sep 13 562 508 1,428 2.54 82 58.90% 81.32% maximum 795 734 951216.20 273174.70 31968.98
Sep 14 - Sep 20 563 495 1,547 2.75 112 58.61% 78.51%
Sep 21 - Sep 27 652 585 1,792 2.75 101 56.13% 80.98% Promotion
Sep 28 - Oct 4 611 549 1,928 3.16 109 53.52% 81.18% Visits Unique Visits Revenue Profit Lbs. Sold
Oct 5 - Oct 11 561 500 1,784 3.18 113 53.65% 79.86% mean 1814.35 1738.82 456398.8 131929.9 17112.92
Oct 12 - Oct 18 558 525 1,455 2.61 97 61.29% 86.02% median 1663 1585 413937.1 114328.4 17299.12
Oct 19 - Oct 25 570 520 1,562 2.74 95 57.37% 84.91% std. dev 758.1017 743.0253 161741.1 47776.85 6519.071
Oct 26 - Nov 1 551 511 1,560 2.83 109 56.62% 83.85% miniminum 1000 930 268159.5 81841.4 7814.05
Nov 2 - Nov 8 537 507 1,450 2.7 93 56.98% 87.15% maximum 3726 3617 897163.7 266476.7 31496.26
Nov 9 - Nov 15 543 500 1,527 2.81 109 58.38% 83.61%