This individual writing assignment case study will require each student to complete a persuasive / argumentative
academic essay. Students will present a paper on one of the two following themes:
1) Choose an example of a successful or infamous leader from the public / political, or private sphere; and explain why
s/he is a good or bad example of effective leadership personified. Support your claims and bolster your arguments with
the theories and concepts discussed in the text and in lectures. Be sure to use facts, statistics, figures, and academic or
scholarly articles to support your claims.
2) Choose a theory(s) and/or characteristics of effective leadership (ex. Attribution Theory, Trait Theory, Charismatic
Leadership etc.), and apply it successfully to examples of leadership that best support or refute its core claims,
assumptions and statements. Be sure to use facts, statistics, figures, and academic or scholarly articles to support your
Your paper must have a clear and concise thesis statement; it must be in your introductory paragraph.
Your paper should be no longer than (1600-1800 words) 2000 words maximum (not including references).
Matters Relating to Assignments:
1. A title page / cover sheet is required.
2. I prefer Cambria or Times New Roman 12 point font.
3. Please use 1.5 or 2.0 spacing.
4. Pages must be numbered.
5. Please use proper scholarly form in APA style. Use 6th edition (2009), or approved equivalent.
6. If you use external sources for your work at any time, you must include a “Works Cited” page.
7. Documents that are corrupted in any way do NOT count as on-time submissions. Late penalties will apply.
Matters Relating to Submission of Assignment:
Please submit your paper in a digital format (word document) – to the Blackboard drop box found in the assignments
folder of the Blackboard content page by the due date. This is your official submission - late papers will be subject to the
late penalty.
Note: When saving and naming your file for submission follow this rule. Student #, IWACS theme # (1 or 2)
(Ex: 100555113 IWACS # 2.doc)
1) Submit it to the drop box on Blackboard by the due date.
2) At a minimum, please ensure that you have a cover page with the following information on it:
i) Your Student number
ii) The course name, and number
iii) My name - Rob Halpin
iv) Title of your paper
v) Theme option chosen (indicate either theme 1 or 2)
vi) Word count
vii) Date