I’m studying for my Business class and need an explanation.
This is a discussion reply.
Compare the decision-making styles of the others with your own. Invidualist, altruist, pragmatist and idealist.
Where are your styles complementary, and in what ways do your styles differ? How would you approach working together to make an ethical decision? What strengths and weaknesses of each style should be considered during the decision-making process?
APA References.
1. Invidualist (mine)
According to McNeil (2016), the culture of individualism in business is experienced by employees who work especially in a small business setting. The culture of individualism in business is developed by these employees when they develop a sense of working on individualism grounds or teamwork as it may be the expectation of their employer. The culture places the top value on matters of being unique. Employees think independently where it is advantageous for them to have recognitions for their attained achievements. Individuals who have the most valuable ideas are given much attention by their employers. However, the style of individualism has its disadvantages as it affects the communication and negotiation style of individuals. It not only affects individuals at their working areas but also, it affects their interpersonal relations (McNeil, 2016).