Chamberlain College of Nursing NR394 Transcultural Nursing
Course Project Milestone 2:
Transcultural Assessment Guide and Questions Template
This is a template to record your information for this assignment. Do not rely only on this template to determine everything you must include! Please read Milestone 2: Transcultural Assessment Guide and Questions guidelines, grading criteria, and grading rubric on the assignment page in order to learn details of what to include on this template.
Review NR394_Differences Between Closed and Open-Ended Questions prior to completing this template. The link to this file is located in the Guidelines for this assignment. Go to Modules, Introduction & Resources then Course Project Overview for best practices. Refer to Appendix A in your text and select five categories upon which you will concentrate your assessment guide and questions.
Type your answers to the following questions using complete sentences and correct grammar, spelling, and syntax. Note this template is expandable. You may need more pages to include the information that is requested in the guidelines for this assignment.
Once you have filled in the template, click Save As and save the assignment name and your last name. For example, “NR394_Milestone2_Template_Smith”. Submit to the Milestone 2 assignment page by 11:59 p.m. MT Sunday at the end of Week 4.
Note: This template is expandable to accommodate your typing.
Title: Milestone 2
Your Name: ____ Individual’s Initials____CK__________
Individual’s Culture of Origin__Asia(Punjabi)_______
Age 58_________Career/Profession___ unemployed
1. State the proposed date of the assessment which should not occur until after Friday of Week 5. Describe the location of the assessment and how privacy/confidentiality will be maintained. Be specific. (20 points)
The assessment shall occur on February 11th, 2019 at CK’s home. The assessment shall maintain confidentiality by being aware and having respect for all cultural diversity and beliefs (Boyle, 2011). The participant shall be viewed as an individual and the following trans-cultural nursing assessment tool will find out different cultural preferences through documentation. The assessment shall also keep the general trends like space and distance in mind- as people from some cultures feel comfortable or uncomfortable based on their closeness to others. Furthermore, the assessment shall avoid the use of audio or video recordings as the plans could interfere with the subject confidentiality.
2. Describe the process you will use for documenting your assessment and what steps you will take to ensure its accuracy. For example, do you plan to take notes and then ask the subject for verification, or do you plan to record the assessment in audio or video and then transcribe it? Be specific.(14 points)
It will be appropriate to gather much information by observing the subject first (Long, 2015). Furthermore, I intend to take short notes during the assessment time by entering the data collected on the assessment template. Accuracy and validity of data shall be ensured through documentation and collection of the signature either electronic or written by the subject.
3. Identify five (5) categories from Appendix A in your text from which you would like to develop primary (and follow-up) questions for your assessment. The categories from which you may choose include:
· Biocultural Variations and Cultural Aspects of the Incidence of Disease
· Communication
· Cultural Affiliations
· Cultural Sanctions & Restrictions
· Developmental Considerations
· Economics
· Educational Background
· Health-Related beliefs and Practices
· Kinship and Social Networks
· Nutrition
· Religion and Spirituality
· Values Orientation
The following categories shall be considered for use in the assessment to portray the influence of culture on the individual’s well-being and health:
• Communications
• Cultural Affiliations
• Economics
• Nutrition
• Health-Related Beliefs and Practices
Type the names of the five categories you have chosen in the table below in the column marked “Categories.”
4. Develop one open-ended primary question for each of the five categories. Please note that the questions should be in your own words and designed to elicit meaningful responses. Use the table to type each question next to its corresponding category. (60 points)
5. Develop two open-ended follow-up questions for each primary question. Type these next to the corresponding primary questions. Formulate questions that your individual will understand. Avoid “medical/nursing jargon.”(40 points)
6. Indicate reasons for asking specific questions that relate to culture of origin and healthcare experiences. (50 points)
Primary Question Related to Category
Follow-up Questions for each primary question
Indicate reasons for asking questions that are related to culture of origin and healthcare experiences in local community. In other words, why are you asking the questions? How will knowing the answers inform your care of future patients for whom you may provide care?
Name Category X:
Educational Background
Open question : Tell me how your education in Cuba prepared you for your move to the US.
Closed question: Did you finish high school?
Note: Only list Open Questions below. The Closed Question above is for example purposes only.
1. Open question : Share with me how you learned English as a second language.
2. Closed question : Do you speak a foreign language?
Knowing the individual’s educational background will assist me with determining his ability to read and write. This will be helpful for my patient teaching.
Value placed on education is important to know as it may indicate potential compliance with a plan of care and acceptance of responsibility for one’s health.
1. Open question : Help me understand the differences between public and private education in Cuba.
2. Closed question : Is college paid for by the government?
Note: Only list Open Questions below. The Closed Question above is for example purposes only.
Name Category 1
Open Question:
Please tell me about how you go out trying to avoid conflict and enhancing good communication with people.
Open Question:
1. Help me understand the differences between good and poor communication skills.
Understanding one’s communication capability shall help me with determining one’s ability to speak and listen (Boyle, 2011). Knowledge about communications will also enable me to handle difficult conversations with patients.
Closed question:
2. Is there any time you find difficulty expressing yourself?
Name Category 2
Cultural Affiliations
Open Question:
Tell me whether you have ever been excluded because of your culture.
Open Question:
1. Please help me understand more about your culture.
Knowledge about culture will enable me to develop cultural competence, which I require to provide competent care to minority patients.
Closed question:
2. If your culture is so important, could/can you pass it to your children?
Name Category 3
Open Question:
How do you feel about the impact of weak population increase in your country’s economy.
Open Question:
1. Tell me more about the reduced productivity and innovation.
Understanding of the economics will help me as a professional to rethink about reductions in length of stay of my patients.
Closed question:
Name Category 4
Open Question:
Tell me what you know about balanced diet/healthy eating
Open Question:
1. Tell me more about what choices you have made related to your health in terms of food and nutrition.
Knowing about nutrition shall give me nutrition basics. It will also give me the ability to teach my patients about healthy food choices (Long, 2015).
Closed question:
2. Are there difficulties that you face while attempting to change your type of food?
Name Category 5
Health-Related Beliefs and Practices
Open Question:
Please can you describe why health beliefs are closely tied to one’s community.
Open Question:
1. Please tell me more about how beliefs are rooted in your culture.
Knowing individual’s health-related beliefs and practices will help me with ability to be aware about my patients’ health behaviors and beliefs. Besides, in line with the current situation, I shall be able to assess and rethink about the impact media, society, and culture have on my belief as a practitioner.
Closed question:
2. Is it true that the environment has a greater impact on individual’s health beliefs?
Boyle, J. (2011). Transcultural Nursing Scholars’ Corner. Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 22(2), 205-205. doi: 10.1177/1043659610396304
Long, C. (2015). Transcultural Nursing Scholars’ Corner. Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 26(3), 336-336. doi: 10.1177/1043659614557360
NR394 Milestone 2 Template 8-29-18 LMD