1. With no dig out and replacement of soil, the depth of satisfactory soil beneath the bottom of the trench or absorption bed must extend to: $�����LQFKHV B) 42 inches &�����LQFKHV� D) 72 inches
2. A continuous circuit arrangement of drain lines is required for: $��D�VWDQGDUG�WUHQFK�V\VWHP B) a mounded trench system C) all systems D) not required for any system
3. Which of the following is exempt from septic tank contractor registration? A) state licensed general contractors B) state licensed plumbers &��SXPSLQJ�DQG�GLVSRVDO�VHUYLFH�FRQWUDFWRU D) all of the above
4. A master septic tank contractor may cover a system repair when: $��WKH�V\VWHP�LV�QRW�UHDG\�IRU�LQVSHFWLRQ�ZLWKLQ�������PLQXWHV�DIWHU� WKH�VFKHGXOHG�WLPH� B) the department is not on site to conduct an inspection within 30 minutes of the scheduled time. C) the master septic tank contractor is not physically on site. E) the department has performed an inspection and notified the contractor of violations. F) the master septic tank contractor does not conduct the inspection.
5. The State of Florida requires connection to available sewer systems. Who may waive this requirement? A) the local building department B) the sewer system owners with Department of Health approval
C) the applicant for financial hardship considerations D) the requirement may not be waived
The answer to all of the questions is (B). Study Hints: Know your setbacks, system sizing requirements, and septage disposal standards before you come to the class.�